Creative Arts

The creative arts can relate to many forms of the arts embodied in action and practice among them (but not restricted to) drama, dance and musical performance, visual arts, writing, publishing, graphic arts, cartooning, film, multi media and design.

In Humane

To be humane is to have or show compassion or benevolence.

Being concerned with the alleviation of suffering.

To interact with care, consideration and respect.


the word medicine is from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing.

Broadly speaking the practice of medicine is to be

active in the prevention and treatment of illness.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Arts and Health Book Receives Submissions from Leading Medical Educators Worldwide

The Arts are Alive and Thriving in Medicial Education proven by the over 100 excellent international submissions received for consideration for the upcoming book, “Creative Arts in Humane Medicine”. Here are just a few of the institutions represented:

London (UK) School of Medicine and Dentistry

The New School, New York

Stanford Medical School, California
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Toronto
Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta  
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Melbourne Dental School, Melbourne, Australia
University of Newcastle, Australia
Edmonton Clinic, Health Academy
Faculty of Health and Social Care, London (UK)  South Bank University
University of New Mexico Hospitals
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Durham University, UK
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
University of Saskatchewan
Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton
Performance, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto
School of Nursing, Ryerson

Universidad Complutense de Madrid 
Barts and London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Biomedical Communications, Biology, University of Toronto

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Creative Arts in Humane Medicine Welcomes Innovative Ideas for Creative New Approaches in Learning

 It has been a busy several weeks as we have received an overwhelming response to our call for abstracts for the book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine".  Medical Educators, Physicians, Scientists, Psychiatrists, Nurse Educators, Practitioners, Therapists and Clinicians and students  from medical schools, universities and health organizations across Canada, the U.S., U.K. and abroad, educators and health professionals
with varied and extensive experience,  have submitted novel ideas and approaches describing their work in the arts and health/medical education.  Clearly the arts in medical education are alive and thriving and this new text is shaping up to be a helpful resource in a growing area of study.  We are still open to hearing from those who may like to submit an abstract which describes how they use  the arts in medical education to help foster humane medicine.  The due date for submissions has been extended to October 22.  See call for papers