Creative Arts

The creative arts can relate to many forms of the arts embodied in action and practice among them (but not restricted to) drama, dance and musical performance, visual arts, writing, publishing, graphic arts, cartooning, film, multi media and design.

In Humane

To be humane is to have or show compassion or benevolence.

Being concerned with the alleviation of suffering.

To interact with care, consideration and respect.


the word medicine is from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing.

Broadly speaking the practice of medicine is to be

active in the prevention and treatment of illness.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Table of Contents Creative Arts in Humane Medicine

 Upper photo "Peace of Heart" by Cyrus McEachern, from 2009 Heartfelt Images, Faculty of Medicine, UBC    Cover design:  Carol Dragich

Preview of The Table of Contents:

     Foreword /Medical Students Support Arts and Humanities in Medicine
Teaching Empathy through Role-play and Fabric Art:  An Innovative Pedagogical Approach for End-of-life Health Care Providers

The Process of Creating An Ethnodrama about Aging, Mental Health and Autonomy

Student Voices, The Art of Medicine Challenges Humanity Within Us

 The Visual Arts in Health Education at The Melbourne Dental School


Advocating for Drama and Performative Reflection in Patient Communication

Reader’s Theatre and Sharing the Experience of Caregiving
 The Stanford Arts and Anesthesia Soiree, Performing to Create Community and Understand Anesthesiology
 Art Practice and Bringing Emotions to Life in the Anatomy Lab
The story of an Artist in Residence (AIR) 

Music as Medicine for Interdisciplinary Team Self Care and Stress Management in Palliative Care
Expressive Arts and Practitioner Self Care, “Simply Being Human”


Medical Doodles:  Drawing Toward Learning and Remembering


The Narrative Reflective Process, Giving Voice to Experiences of Illness

Navigating Through Care, Life Experiences with Medical Practitioners

 The Childhood Novel and the Art of the Interview in Paediatrics Practice

 The Healing Arts Program, St. Paul’s Hospital, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan _________________________________________________________________


Arts Based Inquiry and a Clinician Educator’s Journey of Discovery

Contemporary artists and Art in Action for Change in Healthcare


Creative Arts: A Prescription for Violence


Digital Stories for Teaching Ethics and Law to Health and Social Service Professionals

 Students Reach Out with Heartfelt Art
 Medical and Fine Arts Students Come Together to Build Bridges to Communities

This new book will also be available hard copy and as an ebook  and for sale from  the Brush Education website  when it is released later in 2013.this link will take you to the Brush Education website and one of our previous books.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Contributors Creative Arts in Humane Medicine, from Canada, U.S., U.K., Australia

 Upper photo "Peace of Heart" by Cyrus McEachern, from 2009 Heartfelt Images, Faculty of Medicine, UBC    Cover design:  Carol Dragich

We are pleased to introduce to you a (partial)  list of contributors to the book Creative Arts in Humane Medicine, Brush Education (2013) what follows are very brief descriptions:

Andre Smith
Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Victoria and a Research Affiliate with its Centre on Aging. He has research interests in the areas of aging, ethnicity, and mental health. 

Aliye Runyan M.D.

Education and Research Fellow, American Medical Student Association AMSA is the founder, and director from 2008-2011, of the AMSA Medical Humanities Scholars'Program. 

Peter Kirk

Dr. Kirk is a Palliative Care physician who researches communication in palliative care. Dr. Kirk currently is a Clinical Professor with the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia.


Craig Chen M.D.

is an anesthesiology resident at Stanford University Medical Center.


Mina Borromeo, Associate Professor and a Specialist in Special Needs Dentistry (SND) and Convener of SND at the Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne.  


Neville Chiavaroli

Senior Lecturer in Medical Education in the Melbourne Medical School at the University of Melbourne.


Alim Nagji M.D.

resident in Family Medicine at The University of Alberta ...he has created a complementary communication course for first and second year medical students entitled Performative Reflection  


Maura McIntyre
SSHRC post doctoral fellow at The Centre for Arts Informed Research in the Department of Adult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) University of Toronto. The substantive focus of her research is Alzheimer's Disease, specifically the psychosocial dimensions of care and caregiving, and the contexts in which lives with dementia are lived.


Rachael Allen

currently artist in residence at three University anatomy labs in the North East of England (Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham)


Amy Clements-Cortes

currently President, Canadian Association for Music Therapy, an academic advisor and sessional instructor of music therapy, University of Windsor; contract academic staff and clinical supervisor, Wilfrid Laurier University; and Senior Music Therapist/Practice Advisor at Baycrest Centre, Toronto, Canada.


Diane Kaufman M.D.

founder, Creative Arts Healthcare – The University Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, a Child Psychiatrist, and the Senior Psychiatrist at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School


Michiko Maruyama

currently a medical student at the University of British Columbia Northern Medical Program.


Jasna Schwind

Associate Professor in the Daphne Cockwell
School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto


John J. Guiney Yallop

Assistant Professor, School of Education at Acadia
University. His research includes poetic inquiry, narrative inquiry, autoethnography, and
performative social science.  


Catherine L. Mah M.D.

is a Scientist at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Assistant Professor,  Division of Public Health Policy,  Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

 Louise Younie

Dr. Younie is a General Practitioner and Clinical Senior Lecturer, Barts and The London
School of Medicine and Dentistry UK


Carol Conde/Karl Beveridge

Professional contemporary Canadian artists living and working in Toronto.


Bandy Lee MD

is a violence studies specialist. She is currently Assistant Clinical
Professor, Law and Psychiatry Division, Yale University and teaches students
representing prisoners and asylum seekers through Yale Law School. 

Louise Terry

is a healthcare professional (biomedical scientist) with a law degree and doctorate in medical law and ethics.  She has taught ethics and law to undergraduate and post graduate health and social care students at London South Bank University, London, U.K. since 1998.

 Carol Ann Courneya
Associate Professor Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, University of British Columbia

Cheryl L. McLean

Publisher, International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice,
Editor, Creative Arts in Humane Medicine (Brush Education 2013), Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change, Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change, 2010, 11, Detselig Temeron Press.

This new book will also be available hard copy and as an ebook  and for sale from  the Brush Education website  when it is released later in 2013.this link will take you to the Brush Education website and one of our previous books.

Creative Arts in Humane Medicine book introduction

 Upper photo "Peace of Heart" by Cyrus McEachern, from 2009 Heartfelt Images, Faculty of Medicine, UBC    Cover design:  Carol Dragich

We would like to share with you a few brief excerpts from the introduction to the book "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine".  

Creative Arts in Humane Medicine


Cheryl L. McLean, Editor

.Our book title, Creative Arts in Humane Medicine, deserves a brief explanation that will help orient readers to both the content and approach. Creative arts here refers to art forms such as visual arts (for example, fabric art, installations, collage, photography, painting, sketching ) drama and performance (ethnodrama, reader’s theatre, music, dance, etc.); forms of writing (narrative and poetry, monologues/playwriting); creative arts in therapy and for practitioner self care; (music therapy, drama therapy and other arts modalities)  graphic and digital arts, (digital story, cartooning and film), among others.To be humane is to show empathy or understanding , to care about the condition and suffering of others, to treat others as we ourselves might wish to be treated. The word medicine, from the Latin  ars medicina  refers to the art of healing and medicine, the practice that is invested in the prevention and treatment of illness.  
Creative Arts in Humane Medicine opens with a promise of hope. The first article, Teaching Empathy through Role-play and Fabric Art. features research about fabric art and role play to teach empathy, an innovative pedagogical approach for end of life health care providers. Educating for empathy, so as to bring active and embodied learning to medical students,  Andre Smith and the research team at the Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, explore the experiences of first- and second-year medical students who participated in a progressive learning intervention that effectively cultivated empathy in the medical students who took part in the study.

I was recently a guest presenter for a webinar with medical students for The American Medical Student Association, Medical Humanities Scholars’ Program  and,  during the session,  one student asked, “If this work (about the creative arts in medicine ) is frequently about empathy and feeling the human story,  how much empathy for us  is too much empathy?  What if I can no longer bear it?”

The student asked a very difficult question, one not easy to answer.  Our creative work is powerful and profound in the way it frequently uses all of the senses to communicate and draw us closer to human understanding, but how much can we be expected to bear, what are our human limits?  Perhaps,  I thought,  if I was, for a moment, to imagine myself in bed, ill and fighting for life, how much empathy would I hope my caregivers would extend to me?  When would enough be enough?

It is true, there are times when empathic understandings may be very difficult. We engage creatively and actively in expressive and soulful learning, a visceral process, that undoubtedly affects us deeply but in turn offers a chance for release and understanding that restores us to the recuperative grounding that can bring true insight and wisdom.   Henry David Thoreau expresses the gift of empathy as miraculous.  

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”   

 A leader in the field of Narrative Medicine, Dr. Rita Charon, has long advocated for the use of narrative in medical education. In Chapter 3 of this book, Navigating With Narrative Through Life Experience, both Jasna Schwind and John J. Guiney Yallop demonstrate how they have have used narrative in  different ways to increase understanding and to teach about  health, caring and life experience. Schwind, a nurse educator , writes about her work, informed by Narrative Inquiry, while sharing  aspects of her own illness story to demonstrate how intentional and thoughtful reflection allowed her, as both patient and caregiver, to make sense of the experience. Narrative and poetic inquirer, John J. Guiney Yallop, writes about his lived experiences with medical practitioners throughout his life and, in so doing, poignantly illustrates the vital importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient.

I am most pleased to introduce you to the book, Creative Arts in Humane Medicine. Featuring contributions from physicians, medical educators, researchers, allied health professionals as well as medical students, residents, therapists and artists, this action oriented collection is a vital resource rich with evidence and relevant information, yet in keeping with the embodied nature of the field, each article unfolds in its way as a story, a revealing performance about life, a creative act within itself.

Meet some of our outstanding contributors to the book Creative Arts in Humane Medicine 

See the Table of Contents for the book Creative Arts in Humane Medicine