Creative Arts

The creative arts can relate to many forms of the arts embodied in action and practice among them (but not restricted to) drama, dance and musical performance, visual arts, writing, publishing, graphic arts, cartooning, film, multi media and design.

In Humane

To be humane is to have or show compassion or benevolence.

Being concerned with the alleviation of suffering.

To interact with care, consideration and respect.


the word medicine is from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing.

Broadly speaking the practice of medicine is to be

active in the prevention and treatment of illness.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Physician as Scientist and Humanist

This post is part of our continuing book profile series featuring excerpts and quotes from the contributors to the upcoming book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine"......

"The American Medical Student Association AMSA has long held the belief that a well-rounded, nurturing medical education that supports the reflective capacity of medical students is ideal.  To this end, we have a history of leadership in the humanities.  Having personally been a part of this programming at my medical school, I have seen the tangible demand for this type of programming.  Students have commented after attending these events and programs, that they feel re-inspired in their commitment to medicine, that they have connected with their true selves as healers, and finally that they have found a community of like minded physicians and physicians-in-training."

"AMSA believes it is paramount that the physician not only be a scientist but a humanist, a communicator and an advocate."

Aliye Runyan, M.D.
Education and Research Fellow
American Medical Students' Association

The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) founded in 1950,  is based in Washington and is the largest independent association of physicians in training in the United States.  Uniquely student governed,  AMSA  has a membership of 68,000 from across The United States.  Among the key goals of the AMSA are to advocate for quality and affordable health care for all, equality in global health and enriching medicine through diversity.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Art and Anesthesia Connection at Stanford

 This post is part of our continuing book profile series featuring excerpts and quotes from the upcoming book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine"......

"We created a forum in which residents, attendees and staff nurture the ideals, values, emotions and creativity which motivated us to go into medicine in the first place.  It is a space that rarely arises in the technical and scientific day-to-day practice of medicine.  Ultimately, this initiative celebrated the artistic, musical and emotional depth of the department which  led to a more coherent sense of community, a deeper understanding of our colleagues,, a vital discussion about anesthesia, and a recognition that wellness initiatives for physicians should encompass the arts and humanities."

"Even in this state the heart has reasons that reason knows not.  Even in this state, the body sings."

Craig Chen MD, Stanford University School of Medicine

Craig Chen is an anaesthesiology resident at Stanford University Medical Center.  He graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. in philosophy, a B.S. in biological sciences and a minor in creative writing.  He completed his medical degree at the University of California, San Francisco.  Craig writes poetry and creative nonfiction for his medical blog, Asclepion. He received a Healing Arts Poetry Scholarship to attend the 2009 Napa Valley Writer's Conference where he worked with David St. John. He has also written with David Watts, MD, and Sharon Bray, Ed.D.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Digital Stories in Teaching Ethics and Law to Health Professionals

Book  Profiles Series: from Creative Arts in Humane Medicine book

Dr. Louise Terry, PhD PGCHE LLB (Hons) FIBMS

"I believe that in order to practice humane medicine, we need to rediscover our sense of ourselves and our patients as people of differing professions, education or none; differing beliefs, values and politics; differing colours and ethnicities; wives, mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, imperfect, struggling to do our best, or merely just survive, within an imperfect and often unjust world.  We need to understand how, and how well, we connect and interact with each other and to this end I believe that the praxis of care can be reframed through honest reflection.  The foundations of humane medicine are reflective, reflexive practitioners. "
"....Visual and audio technology can help bring stories, actions, omissions, aspirations and values to life and allow a permanent record of the story to be kept for future use."

Dr Louise Terry PhD PGCHE LLB (Hons) FIBMS is a healthcare professional (biomedical scientist) of over thirty years standing with a law degree and doctorate in medical law and ethics. Her thesis Saying No: Withholding and Withdrawing Medical Treatment explored how consultant doctors made decisions. She is a member of the Clinical Ethics Committee at St Christopher’s Hospice (founded by Dame Cicely Saunders). She has taught ethics and law to undergraduate and post-graduate health and social care students at London South Bank University, London, United Kingdom, since 1998.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Artist in Residence Fosters Learning in Medicine

 This post is part of our continuing book profile series featuring excerpts and quotes from the contributors to the upcoming book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine"......


"The role of the artist is to challenge, change and provoke science..."
J. McLachlan

art Rachael Allen

"In the anatomy labs, I focus on observing the way students interact with the embalmed and plastinated prosections, how they physically handle the specimens, the body language and facial expressions, the conversations that occur amongst peer groups and teaching staff, the conduct of all (living) present in the lab, and the manner of interaction with all teaching materials.  During this time, I too experience heightened emotions associated by the materiality of the bodies, the anomalous encounter of life and death in close proximity, and the provocation of ethical issues."
From the book "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine", for publication 2013.

Rachael Allen
Currently artist in residence at three university anatomy labs in the North East of England (Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham), the artist explores the role of visual art in anatomy and medical pedagogy, while also situating her practice within the Medical Humanities nationwide.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Creative Arts in Humane Medicine Contributors Represent Leaders and International Innovators in Arts and Health

 We would like to introduce you to just a few of the many contributors to the upcoming  book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine".  Over the next several weeks we will be featuring quotes and excerpts from the book here at the book blog.  We hope you enjoy our previews. CM

Carol Ann Courneya, BSc (Hon) Human Kinetics, Guelph University, 1981
MSc Physiology, University of Western Ontario, 1983
PhD Physiology, UBC, 1987
Carol Ann Courneya teaches Cardiovascular Physiology to undergraduate science and medical/dental students  at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine.  She founded (2001) and has directed the medical student art exhibit Heartfelt Images for over a decade.  In addition,  Dr. Courneya,  founded and co-directs a National art exhibit called White Coat Warm Art that show cases art created by health sciences students, residents and faculty from across Canada. Dr. Courneya and Dr. Pamela Brett-McLean (founding director) co-direct the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences in Medicine Special Interest Group for the Canadian Association of Medical Education (CAME).

Diane Kaufman, MD, 
Diane Kaufman, MD, is the founder and guiding leader of Creative Arts Healthcare –  University Hospital. A Phi Beta Kappa of Mount Holyoke College.  She attended Downstate Medical Center for her medical degree followed by full training in pediatrics and psychiatry at NYU/Bellevue Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, a Child Psychiatrist, and the Senior Psychiatrist at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School

Rachael Allen
Currently artist in residence at three university anatomy labs in the North East of England (Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham), the artist explores the role of visual art in anatomy and medical pedagogy, while also situating her practice within the Medical Humanities nationwide.  
 Mina Borromeo
Associate Professor, Mina Borromeo is a Specialist in Special Needs Dentistry (SND) and Convener of SND at the Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne, Australia.  She completed her undergraduate training at the Melbourne Dental School in 1991.  She also holds a PhD from Monash University in Muscle Physiology, a Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Medicine) from Sydney University, and is a Fellow in the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (Special Needs Dentistry).  
 Craig Chen, MD

Craig Chen is an anaesthesiology resident at Stanford University Medical Center.  He graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. in philosophy, a B.S. in biological sciences and a minor in creative writing.  He completed his medical degree at the University of California, San Francisco.  Craig writes poetry and creative nonfiction for his medical blog, Asclepion. He received a Healing Arts Poetry Scholarship to attend the 2009 Napa Valley Writer's Conference where he worked with David St. John. He has also written with David Watts, MD, and Sharon Bray, Ed.D.
  Amy Clements-Cortes, Ph.D, MTA, MY-BC, FAMI
President Canadian Association for Music Therapy, Clinical Commissioner for the World Federation of Music Therapy, Instructor Music Therapy University of Windsor

 Catherine L. Mah, MD, FRCPC, Ph.D.
Catherine L. Mah, MD, FRCPC, PhD is a Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Head of the Food Policy Research Initiative at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit, and an Assistant Professor in the Division of Public Health Policy at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.  As a practitioner, researcher, and teacher, Dr. Mah is interested in how values shape public health policy within a reflexive health practice context 
Maura McIntyre Ed.D.
Dr. Maura McIntyre is a SSHRC post doctoral fellow at The Centre for Arts Informed Research in the Department of Adult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) University of Toronto. The substantive focus of her research is Alzheimer's Disease, specifically the psychosocial dimensions of care and caregiving, and the contexts in which lives with dementia are lived. Current explorations of alterative research processes and forms of representations include: three dimensional installation art, photonarrative, and performance.
 Alim Nagji M.D., B.H.Sc.  
Alim Nagji M.D.  is currently a resident in Family Medicine at The University of Alberta and hopes to integrate his medical humanities research and international work experience in his future practice.   Dr. Nagji has been an avid actor, producer and writer for a number of years, founding his own production company, BackRowProduction.  Drawing on his extensive theatre experience, he has created a complementary communication course for first and second year medical students entitled Performative Reflection which has just completed its fourth year at the University of Alberta. His passion for teaching is fuelled by his strong desire to impart enhanced communication skills to medical students, recognizing the integral role they play in anchoring the patient-physician relationship.
 Aliye Runyan, M.D.
Education and Research Fellow
American Medical Student Association

Aliye Runyan M.D.  is an Education and Research Fellow at AMSA,  She has held national coordinator positions within the Humanistic Medicine, Wellness and Student Life, Medical Professionalism, and Medical Education action committees, and was immediate past National Chair of the Medical Education team. She is the founder, and director from 2008-2011, of the AMSA Medical Humanities Scholars Program.

Jasna Krmpotic Schwind RN, PhD
Dr Schwind is an Associate Professor in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada.  Her program of research focuses on reconstruction of experience within professional and therapeutic relationships in education and practice.  More specifically, using Narrative Inquiry, she explores the humanness within person-centred care in education and practice, and how these impact the quality of person’s illness experience.
To this end she has adapted a form of narrative reflection she terms Narrative Reflective Process (NRP), a creative self-expression strategy, which includes storytelling, metaphor, drawing and creative writing. NRP may be used as both a data collection strategy in research, as well as an implementation tool in practice.
 Carole Conde/Karl Beveridge
(photo by Carole Conde and Karl Beveridge)

 See video

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge are professional artists and  live and work in Toronto, Ontario.  They have collaborated with various trade unions and community organizations in the production of their staged photographic work over the past 25 years. Their work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally in both the trade union movement and art galleries and museums.   _______________________________________________

Andre Smith Ph.D.
Dr. André Smith has research interests in the areas of aging, mental health, ethnicity, and blood donation. His research program reflects a desire to understand the intersectionality of health and health-related behavior and their wider socio-cultural, institutional, and familial dimensions. Dr. Smith is affiliated with the University of Victoria’s Centre on Aging and has received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and the Alzheimer Society of Canada. 
Louise Terry, PhD PGCHE LLB(Hons) FIBMS
Dr Louise Terry PhD PGCHE LLB (Hons) FIBMS is a healthcare professional (biomedical scientist) of over thirty years standing with a law degree and doctorate in medical law and ethics. Her thesis Saying No: Withholding and Withdrawing Medical Treatment explored how consultant doctors made decisions. She is a member of the Clinical Ethics Committee at St Christopher’s Hospice (founded by Dame Cicely Saunders). She has taught ethics and law to undergraduate and post-graduate health and social care students at London South Bank University, London, United Kingdom, since 1998.
John J. Guiney Yallop Ph.D.
Dr. Guiney Yallop is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Acadia University. Dr. Guiney Yallop’s research includes poetic inquiry, narrative inquiry, autoethnography, and performative social science. He uses these methodologies to explore identities, communities, and emotional landscapes. His writing has appeared in literary and scholarly journals. His work has been featured in The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice and the books, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change, and Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change.   He has presented widely at national and international conferences. 


Louise studied medicine at Bristol qualifying in 1997.  She returned to Bristol for her GP training and completed her MSc in Medical Education in 2006, which was a qualitative study of students' reflection and learning. Louise's teaching commitment involves being the element lead for the first year GP attachment and she also runs the third year communication skills session with actors and GP tutors. Particular areas of interest include communication skills, behaviour change, alcohol addiction and the use of arts and creativity in medical education

Contributor and Editor: Cheryl L. McLean,  Creative Arts in Humane Medicine

Cheryl L. McLean MA is an independent scholar and founder and publisher of  The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP.  She is editor of the text “Creative Arts in Humane Medicine”, Brush Education, and books “Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change” and “Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change” (2010,2011)  Detselig Temeron Press.

A college and university educator, Cheryl McLean has taught the course "Creative Responses to Death and Bereavement" at Western University, London.  She facilitates Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (CAIP) workshops for professionals across disciplines (medical educators,  physicians, nurses and mental health professionals, palliative care, dietetics).   She is also trained as a group therapist and actor using arts based methods in research and therapeutic work and in ethnodramatic  performance  in aging and mental health  and has performed  original plays about issues in aging and healthcare for audiences across Canada and in the U.S.. 

Cheryl McLean continues her work as a theatre artist originating new plays and performing social change theatre in her community of London, Ontario.  She publishes new research in the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice in academic journals and books profiling leaders active in arts and medicine and is a keynote presenter in Canada and in the U.S. speaking about "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Research" raising awareness about the transformative role the arts have to play in research for community health, hope and change.  

She delivered the keynote address at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, "The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Research:  A New Pond of Interdisciplinary Opportunity,” for the Arts Based Research Network (Faculties of Arts, Professional Studies and Science) and was recently invited to be the guest facilitator for the American Medical Students’ Association AMSA  Medical Humanities Scholars' Program, "Perceptions of Physicians in Literature and the Arts:  Arts Alive and Thriving in Medical Education."   email:
IJCAIP website    Full bio:

Publisher:  Brush Education

Monday, March 11, 2013

Harvard survey arts and humanities in medicine

  Quote of the week

"Arts& Humanities at Harvard Medical School  aims to promote the role of the humanities in medical education, clinical care and research. A recent survey of the Harvard Medical School Community assessed the level of interest in the role of art, literature, music and theatre in medical education and patient care. 
After obtaining IRB approval, the survey was sent out to 13,512 faculty, trainees and students. Preliminary student responses were presented at the Harvard Academy Medical Education Day and showed that 72 percent of students who responded participate in the arts and 69 percent would support a formal program to integrate the arts into the medical school curriculum."

From the article Finding the Art in Medicine, Harvard Medical School,  Feb. 22, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Book by Martin Donohoe Explores Relationships Between Public Health and Social Justice

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Other books of note related to arts and humane medicine:

Public Health and Social Justice
by Martin Donohoe
Jossey Bass-Wiley, 2012

Martin T. Donohoe, MD, FACP is an adjunct associate professor in Community Health at Portland State University and  practices internal medicine, and is on the Social Justice Committee of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and the Board of Advisors for Oregon PSR.  Donohoe has published extensively about public health issues and social justice in journals and books and at the blog Public Health and Social Justice.  He has also been  a featured contributor to The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP, Issue 8, October, 2009,"Stories and Society Using Literature to Teach Medical Students about Public Health and Social Justice."

Endorsements for the book Public Health and Social Justice

" In this ambitious text, Dr. Martin Donohoe intertwines literature across disciplines and genres to demonstrate economic, political, and historical etiologies of diseases that are commonly—and fatally—misconstrued as purely biological in origin. Students and professionals will find this is a useful, accessible primer on the contentious social landscapes that distribute disease unequally within and across societies. Dr. Donohoe’s compilation unifies ostensibly distant corners of our broad discipline under the common pursuit of health as an achievable, non-negotiable human right. In this reader, Dr. Donohoe endeavors beyond analysis to impart his impassioned suggestions for moving closer to the vision of health equity to which he has dedicated his admirable career."
– Paul Farmer, MD, PhD, Kolokotrones University Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and co-founder, Partners In Health

"This superb book is the best work yet concerning the relationships between public health and social justice. Martin Donohoe’s profound contributions to the field make him uniquely qualified as the book’s editor and as the author of several key chapters. Everyone concerned about justice in public health will find the book informative and inspirational."
Howard Waitzkin, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico

“Social justice provides the passion that fuels public health. Martin Donohoe’s book gives public health professionals, researchers and advocates the essential knowledge they need to capture the energy that social justice brings to our enterprise.”
Nicholas Freudenberg, DrPH, Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the City University of New York School of Public Health at Hunter College.

"I know of few people who have as passionate a commitment to such a broad range of social justice issues as does Martin Donohoe.  His personal concern for the human beings who suffer is always evident in his presentations at conferences, in his writing, and in the art with which he illustrates his points.  Martin’s chapters are not a theoretical view from afar but the perspective of a humanitarian practicing the art of personal medicine on a grand scale. The breadth of topics he has selected to include provide a strong overview of social justice in medicine and public health for readers new to the topic. For many long-time public health professionals, the book serves as a challenging reminder of the reasons they entered the profession. For all of us in public health, Martin’s book serves as a stimulus to stay true to our core mission: social justice."
William Wiist, DHSc, MPH, MS, Senior Scientist and Head of Office of Health & Society Studies, Interdisciplinary Health Policy Institute, Northern Arizona University

"Martin Donohoe, MD is a renaissance man in the modern era with an amazing knowledge of the social determinants of health and the role of physician as advocate. This book is a tremendous contribution to the literature of
social justice and public health and only Dr. Donohoe’s passion for open source material via his website and his dedication to finding solutions to these problems could have ultimately brought this compendium together. This
book will be utilized in many fields because of its breadth and depth."
Catherine Thomasson, MD, Executive Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility

“Finally, a book that wonderfully illustrates the connections between social justice and health that I can enthusiastically recommend to all health professionals who care about the fate of humanity, and to medical students who do not want to be the doctors overseeing our extinction.”
Patch Adams, Gesundheit Institute

“A compelling and provocative collection of essays that provides an in-depth examination and critical analysis of the impact that a health system founded on principles of equity and equal opportunity can have on society’s well-being. This book will serve as an essential reference for students, teachers and practitioners in the health and human services who are committed to social responsibility.”
Shafik Dharamsi, PhD, Faculty of Medicine and Liu Institute for Global Issues, Global Health Network, University of British Columbia

Chapter  Headings:

Human Rights, Social Justice, Economics, Poverty, and Health Care

PART Two  
Special Populations

PART Three  
Women's Health

PART Four    
Obesity, Tobacco, and Suicide by Firearms: The Modern Epidemics

PART Five  
Food: Safety, Security, and Disease

 PART Six 
Environmental Health

 PART Seven 
War and Violence

 PART Eight  
Corporations and Public Health

 PART Nine
 Achieving Social Justice in Health Care Through Education and Activism

For more information and a full table of contents visit the Public Health and  Social Justice website  
  Order the book at