Creative Arts

The creative arts can relate to many forms of the arts embodied in action and practice among them (but not restricted to) drama, dance and musical performance, visual arts, writing, publishing, graphic arts, cartooning, film, multi media and design.

In Humane

To be humane is to have or show compassion or benevolence.

Being concerned with the alleviation of suffering.

To interact with care, consideration and respect.


the word medicine is from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing.

Broadly speaking the practice of medicine is to be

active in the prevention and treatment of illness.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Carl Leggo Quote Poetry Honouring Health

“In poetry,
and writing poetry,
I learned
to listen to my body, heart, mind, spirit and imagination in a holistic honouring of health consciousness.”

Carl Leggo
From IJCAIP archive: CCAHTE Journal 6, The Extraordinary Ordinary

photo C. McLean